Teach you how to fix Aries boss

Teach you how to handleAriesThe boss

Teach you how to fix Aries boss _ the zodiac

Aries boss is energy, and require their own way to ask others, plus itself strong control, even the employees work when face with a dysfunctional expression he will be looked at in the heart secretly, it is easy to appear "parents awareness" management point of view, which is great, things to say on the mouth, so I didn't you say you don't see employees sleepy at his table, and even lunch he will shake the heart, colleagues joke active atmosphere in the office at ordinary times, he also hope I can keep working status in his face or nervous rhythm feeling.Employees to undertake any work or execution of there is no passion, indifference, laches, nature will also make Aries boss mood is very bad, and in the heart to secretly watch you, see if you have the idea of lazy strokes, believe me, they are really going to do this.

So, Aries boss always want to see you always busy, quick action, keep high speed, and there are full of ambition, courage, he inquired about your work progress and solution when you can't pass to him "I don't know what the next step will be the situation, I'm not ready to do this kind of answer without A sense of direction and opinion, even if you really don't know what to do next or the present business is frozen in somewhere, you also want to let him know that you can have all sorts of things present A way how, for example, the development situation of B to go after what will happen etc. Know A lot of information and can you" stood "is not A daze, but waiting for the good time, waiting for the outbreak.Because Aries controlling, even if the job to you always he will remember in my mind, so let him know that things on your hands even if he went to busy other things also can rest assured.This is to let him rest assured you and get high reputation of the law.Aries bosses will not importune overtime, however, because of their psychological characteristics of extreme importance to "punctuality" in the usual work immediately has been reflected in the height of the execution, but this, in turn, converted to Aries boss requirement is very strict in the planning, must be don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.So to work overtime or not depends on personal ability to work in their hearts.

Because increased too fast to respond to the situation of frequent error rate and try different things, and have high expectations of disappointment, Aries boss's success is often accompanied by high rates of try to experience or failure experience, and it can be said that the experience of the Aries boss is very has the story, when they lost in something, whether it's because of the fire to Aries caused by lack of patience, or because careless, by ignoring the details of the traction trouble or self judgment error, so as an employee or partner if you can help him complete trivia tied in the back of the job or the project, he will feel very happy.Discuss business meetings or negotiations, when Aries boss encounter opposition, they will attack until die attitude to defend their views and dignity, even if his idea is not sound have deviation, they will not take each other at the outset, because this would make a armed soldiers surrendered without open.If you give the new method can stand up mediation or compromise on both sides, for Aries boss is a credit.

Aries is not a state of mind sensitive, lisa will experience, in-depth psychological how employees want to sensitive sign type, after all, he is not a water signScorpioOr a sign of windlibra, so they will be used more result oriented approach and look at the Angle of practical action to investigate employee, so that you want to keep that in mind, when he looked in your work, if the main point and time line and schedule are accord with the requirement of his, you'll get good grades in his heart.But fortunately, Aries boss is a good boss, very handout spirit and soft-hearted,, they will be in a similar friends at work, caring way to complete the project and you together, although sometimes unusually severe.If one day they want to leave the company to the new environment, those who once love affiliate and partners, they will be in the in the mind to the new company and pay attention to job opportunities for them.


Aries was no signs of the zodiac is cheap, but it requires the Aries boss for a raise is not a simple thing to do.

Raise the trickSpecific goals:

Aries boss is angel or devil?First of all, you must have absolute confidence to my performance, and then taking the confidence peak, simple and direct told him: "I want to pay", his eyes than he cool, attitude than his hard, if he asked why, he said "I think you know why";If he says no, don't try to argue with him, just say "I know".

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