What kind of work environment for Gemini

What kind of work environment for Gemini _ the zodiac

GeminiLike the color of rich, that is to say not drab office environment decoration.Their demand for information and psychological characteristics, like fresh things to their office presents a modern appearance, but also to their adornment demand is absolutely popular, even type restoring ancient ways, all kinds of magazines, newspapers, archives and digital office equipment will be highlighted.Of course, the overall plan will look very nice.Even if you don't have your own office, just a table, they isolate their office environment is likely to use printing beautiful books, or post a unified style, written with the environment and event calendar.Above the adornment of the display objects, they tend to use when traveling souvenir or things related to family members, these memories and extremely has the rich meaning of objects to be able to reflect their different preferences of the fresh, information transaction.

In addition, like to capture information, and the characteristics of the keen on communication makes the Gemini are more like in the big city, busy office, CBD business district, such as work environment, where people move back and forth, events and changeful, they can come into contact with people as much as possible, for the business fast, noisy office, they will feel more comfortable.Relatively far away from downtown or small of commercial and residential type, simplified mechanical office, they will soon get bored.And they are good at communication ability, in the process of communication inspiration capture the character of knowledge, to the requirement of environment is also very high, if he sat around, or they don't need the imagination of the work is repetitive work, and if you slow again, they can't instead of collision of inspiration, learn more things, they will feel abnormal boring.

Again, the Gemini star is mercury is also at the same timevirgoRuler, so the body slightly with the characteristics of the virgo Gemini, the office environment is good, you will find a Gemini man desk or office is very quiet, and they like to pack up and put it very neat.

Gemini work environment

Active fickle Gemini likes lively changeful work environment, if the world peace, no solve crisis to them, they will find their own some new fault.Gemini people love their opinions, also like to listen to the opinions of others, they think the debate is also a kind of communication method, and can inspire everyone more.

They are not interested and lack of imagination or talent stupid people work together, it will make them feel boring, no opportunities for growth.Gemini usually prefer to stay in the city, whether it's overflowing humanism, snake or contacts, as long as able to access to more information and people, can make them satisfied.

So basically they suit to stay in the downtown of hot rolling, so while commuting or lunch break, you might have a chance to walk around.If or residential area in the suburb of a small company, in addition to work or work, the landscape is always out of the window, they may be less than 3 days will feel boring.

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