Double children will think that is far away is the point of no return

Two children will think it is far away is a point of no return _ the zodiac

The vigorous when in love in the face of cruel reality problem, there are always many contradictions will produce, where is one of them.If both parents by close also doesn't matter, if so the question becomes, long-distance living husband's family or family?Although traditionally are living husband's family, but now more and more women are not willing to live with her mother-in-law, old woman daughter-in-law relation is difficult to deal with, after all, let's go take a look at the two children will think far away is a point of no return.


Always "RenLaiFeng" Gemini is very lively and energetic, often want to all sorts of strange ideas to drive people around scratching.Although will be fun to make friends with them, but they have a dual personality small-scale operations.They use double character to conceal his feeling of the real, and they hide skill is very high, difficult to detect.

Gemini in their love are generally dominant, two people get along the way is also determined by Gemini, and marry too far will be insecure?They don't think so, in order to Gemini intelligence should be able to cope.

Two children will think it is far away is a point of no return

The duke of zhou interprets of query