The older the Pisces

Since 2015, the entertainment circle of drama, drama constantly!Front footvirgoQiu Qiming xue-bing wang by drugs, qin, we lift again for allegedly beating the driver was taken away by the police.Think back again carefully, lee generation foam - Taurus, guo, be my baby - Gemini, Roy - cancer, zhang mo - lion, rui - libra, zhang yuan, Scorpio, archer's Charles huang, Yin Xiangjie &aquarius, caishen ning - Pisces.Feel it's a battle royale constellation, the last remaining ram, cobble together a prison this isThe zodiac!Hope you take very serious view criminal mentality, this is not a drill, note that this is not a drill!Know what the 12 signs in the link easily out of control, their misstep as the alert to us.

PiscesAn accident of time:38 ~ 40 [hidden index 1 star]

Pisces the age the _ of the zodiac

God of wealth - Pisces

Have according to the survey, 12 constellations, Pisces is the sign of the highest crime rate, is allkillSet fire to a felony!Caishen ning poking fun at show MOE, sharp sense of humor, drug caught the news, and before the image contrast strongly, is no surprise.Harmless, delicate and touching appearance, deceive people, don't lie to life.Appearance and intrinsic contrast is too obvious, Pisces is not good at camouflage, the day of the scandal, usually can't be too late.

Finally, to the end of the turn down, please.

Conclusion:(the zodiac/astro /)

An apology is very timely, confessing a than a sincere letter, mistakes may be forgiven, themselves and the public's pain can never be cured.Be careful, we should not only in certain ages should life according to the goodness of heart.

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