Sagittarius: why let happiness away from

  SagittariusWhy let happiness away from

Sagittarius: why let happiness away from _ the zodiac

Everyone wants to pursue their own happiness, but happiness does not care for each and every one, may you always feel unhappy, but you've been very happy in others' eyes, is your own definition of happiness is a bit too high?Here let's have a look at why Sagittarius let happiness far away from it.


Striker of the pursuit of freedom, in the face of the ideal and life at the same time, they are always very upset, because they can't find the balance point between them, sometimes want to go to the adventure, chuang chuang world, but feel too little time with family and friends, hope with ordinary happiness of their family and enjoy life more.But this too not reality, and you will lose bold choose good go.

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