Reveal Sagittarius derailed the tipping point

Reveal Sagittarius derailed the tipping point of _ the zodiac

Men don't want toTo get married, because, for a man married is a set of establishing the system of social identity, for social lust animal man, has never been the problem of "produce or not produce", only "and who get married" problem.But for aA woman, marry is looking for a man to be able to make you happy, but, after a lot of people will face a common problem, that is, the TA, you can cheat?Although the proportion of men and women cheat, but cheating signs of the former is different: a man to cheat, can hide the other half, afraid of being found, don't go home at night or go home and fall asleep.A woman to cheat will often turn around man, take the initiative to attack, constantly complain, the subtext is: I am cheating, do you look at yourself.No matter what, a perfect happy marriage, often the tipping point of a cheat!So, what is the tipping point our constellation derailed?Along with the small make up immediately let me know!


Sagittarius friend is a bit small white eye, an affair because he often to bother somebody else and cause misunderstanding, add on impulse made that mistake, when he had been married, and then some ambiguous love joke on the old love, thought that the other party will not believe, the result also follow the move after each other emotional, reckless have affairs, but the other party tend to be acquaintances, because the striker to "friends wife bullied/do not play" principle.

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