Wake up every day is what Leo

Wake up every day what Leo is _ the zodiac

Is a new day, every day is a new starting point, everyone has the pursuit of a new day and dream, or small or big, may be a expect still trip, may also be a desire to fight for the cause, the power of wake you up every day?Here, let's take a look at the wake up every day togetherLeoWhat is right.


Lion was really enjoy the taste of sleep to nature to wake, but there are too many dreams waiting to be realized, so that can wake up every day the lion is dream, of life, to cause, for the dream of love, only through their own efforts to achieve it, will be more a sense of accomplishment.

Leo: the harassment

A colleague called bed, Leo must come.Otherwise, in the company's face problem...

Which requires colleagues to help me, looking for those who get up early and don't be late for work colleagues, let each of them after getting up to call you twice a day, only need to hang up after hearing the ring two sound, so that's harassment you couldn't sleep again, so we have to get up.But don't forget to please the somebody elseHave a mealYo!

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