The world so big, the lion want to see

The world so big, lion want to see you _ the zodiac

Believes that many people will remember very fire teachers resignation letter before "the world so big, I want to see", then there are lots of people follow, aroused a lot of people go out for a walk, or even a saying go go travel, let them with self-will, the world so big, and we are the signs of the zodiac will be interesting to see the idea?Along with the small make up immediately let me know.

[the] world so big, you want to see?

LeoWant to travel, decisive, tube what kind of work you don't work, labor will want to rest, like to travel, what's the matter?They don't want to choose are ineffective when a time for a slave?Life in a hurry decades, think so is the need to do is to do ferity and ardor, walk, pass of resignation.

The world so big, lion want to see you

The duke of zhou interprets of query