Fall in love with the benefits of Leo

Fall in love with the benefits of Leo _ the zodiac

Invincible and big proud of jiao constellation of the universeLeo, narcissism has been to keep no, conceit of exotic species, no one else in their eyes, only their value and they scoffed at, but in their eyes, nature is has a unique edge.Like a Leo, need great courage, and close to a Leo, more needs to be full of confidence and understanding, and determination that can tolerate everything.Because the outbreak of the Leo is the sort of warm, hot, especially directly, is likely to get a person to scold the dog blood spray head is happy, the most important is that you can't answer back with him.This time, many people will start to play back, thinking "such a big deal I do not love sign" that the cow force.In fact, Leo also not completely is the dreaded weakness, they also have to love a lot of aspects, today, eleven is to reveal, for everyone in love with Leo what are the benefits?

One advantage: they love bullying and hot

Leo, likes a person not timid, fear hands and feet, step forward, two steps back, they are not beating around the bush, posing as shy if they like you, will be straight forward and easy to tell you, and beyond all reasonable doubt that the hot pursuit for you, don't look down upon the Leo men and women, the pursuit of them are often arbitrary and fierce, will be is the kind of people think, if you want to play a "bullying (female), President of fall in love with me" show, why don't love a Leo?They can satisfy all your fantasies.

Benefit # 2: they can't allow anyone to bully you

Became Leo (male/female), means that they will use their power to protect you and guard your life, keep out wind and rain for you, accompany you to battle, with you.In the eyes of Leo, you has already become the most precious the piece of treasure, if someone is trying to hurt you or bully you, they will spare no effort to protect you.Like the other words, "if you play a Leo, maybe they will have a lot of adults to won't dispute with you, but if you call Leo male /A womanOnce, I bet, you will be killed by them!"

Particularly high benefits # 3: their aesthetic taste

As an arbitrary and capricious, conceited, narcissistic signs of the zodiac, leos actually has the capital going blind, they are not that kind of not a few jins several two is what kind of people, they often choose to enrich themselves, to resist foreign people will become the focus.Therefore, Leo, more likely to have a good quality, their aesthetic taste is also particularly high, whether dress or hair styling, they all have a very extraordinary insight, and they together, you will be free from vulgarity into a beautiful male/female.

Advantages of four: they occasionally low for youhead

Leo, read the self-esteem is more important than life, want to let them down, unless they have passed out.Yes, this way of Leo, unexpectedly also willing to bow to you, is a special moving?In general, the right for your obedience is reasonable, and the king of the princes submission by you, is for a special kind of treatment and care, you think, if I don't care about you, Leo will head toward you so easily?

Five of the benefits: they are more bark than bite

Don't think Leo vitriolic people speak, don't listen to, you know, usually the medicine needed, advice when most needed is least heeded to line.Leos are sometimes said to you a few more cruel, because they really care about you, sad cry of the wrath of the indisputable helpless feeling.In fact, because of disorderly eat in your complaintsHave loose bowels, Leo the cold on the surface to scold you "fool, to take care of yourself is not good, in fact love dearly, will soon get to the pharmacy to buy you medicine to you.More bark than bite of Leo, isn't it cute?

Benefits of six: they always boundless energy

Date with Leo, please don't worry they will because tired or anything uncomfortable just interrupt date, they will continue with you go to the amusement park, pirate ship and ferris wheel turning turn trojans, they can play and have fun, while vacationing with loved ones, they don't have any negative emotions, only wish with all my heart to play happily with each other.Leo is that with a partner, always boundless boundless energy topic dominating constellation.

Seven of the benefits: they don't love the cold war

Leo's outbreak is outspoken, frank with each other, simply does not exist the words buried in heart, put not happy in the stomach.So, Leo don't like the cold war, they think it is a blasphemy on relationship, there are not happy, then say it face to face, in order to avoid because of some unnecessary misunderstanding, forfeited the hard-won feelings.Compared with the cold violence, Leo brutal violence or hot ~ compare easy to accept

Eight of the benefits: their eyes only you

After that one, Leo are not foreign spare again, no matter how good is good, the emergence of new people in their eyes, all is Tony, since chose you, they will be responsible for you in the end, a genuine a spoony heaven and earth can jian.Their eyes are full of you, their eyes only you, your every move affects their heart.And they will be particularly domineering gig, "this is my man/woman, a stranger don't close, close to both of us!"

Nine of the benefits: large romantic surprise

Leo though they claim is a very romantic fantasy things, is also very boring, but in order to make partner happy, they are willing to do this illusory and boring things.However, they don't usually go to prepare, once decided to go to prepare, it must be fought hard to makes a big deal.They will be hard to satisfy the vanity of their own men/women, their romantic, must be large, and under the eyes of the public, they will let us together to witness their happiness.

Ten of the benefits: they will never be content with the status quo

Leo have ambitions, they will make it to the best of his family to live a more affluent life, therefore, they will be particularly hard to strive for the opportunity, they will never be content with the status quo, because they think yourself and your partner are worthy of more high quality family life, more high-end products, more luxurious appeal.So, Leo will use their high intelligence and high strength of perseverance to complete those ambitions and desires.You know, and Leo are together, all the ambition in the end, all will become a reality.

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