Gemini Christmas big secret

Gemini Christmas big secret _ the zodiac

Today isChristmasToday, you have to how to celebrate Christmas?Every Christmas is unique, everyone must think for themselves a good Christmas memories.Let's to support a move to you, and have a lookGeminiHow to Christmas.

Gemini: no surprise, there is no Christmas

Gemini at Christmas, a whim to go skiing, and took a few good friends will go to the ski resort of the north.In order to experience a lucky they are pretty hard, but it is accord with the twin fashion, they are perceptual person, as long as the emotion in place, fundamental TM's distance is not a problem!

To celebrate Christmas, of course not flatly light, Gemini must try their best to let oneself have a thrilling Christmas, then you can stay home and watch horror movies, neither can spend money and get the effect you want, of course the premise is you is a man afraid of horror movies, or you can go to the match, you will see all of the changes in temperature, absolute deep for you!

Gemini: don't use your credit card.

Gemini don't like constrained, but at some point, draw some clear boundaries for ourselves, can remove a lot of unnecessary trouble.In easy to generate impulse shopping on Christmas Eve, for example, to set yourself a reasonable consumption limit, it is advisable.Especially for Gemini to hold credit CARDS, in order to avoid hot heads, and face the next month will you squeeze too breathing bills this kind of situation, it is better to put your credit card is "frozen" to the end of the Christmas!

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