Dream about drive a car

What is the meaning of dream of drive a car?Dream dream of drive a car?Dream of drive a car with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy car detailed solution.

Dream about drive a car

Car in real life is a kind of autonomy is very high traffic tools, often dreamt ofDriving a carIf not himself, is related to his people, driving a car is like driving his own life, and the direction of the car to means your life road, driving represents the dreamer himself to the life the desire for freedom.

Duke of zhou interpretsDrive the automobile in the dream of parsing:

Dream of driving cars, indicated they want to be free.

The patient dreamed that drive a car, will soon recover.

The prisoner dream of drive a car, will soon be out of jail.

Dream car case analysis

The dream description: Lao wang one evening dream of driving your car, on the road open.It was the night, no street lights on the road, a piece of dark.Suddenly, from the highway open, a fire on the carThe fireDon't panic, Lao wang in dreams, then he himself down to blow the fire out.

Dream dream resolution: it is self-confidence.Driving their own cars, is not only grasp the their own direction, and suggests that the dreamer is a more confident people.Open on the way, on behalf of their own race.Had a fire on the highway, the road through the difficulties.Car caught fire, means that will meet the situation of the hot water.Then yourself down to blow the fire out, the difficulties will be easily solved.

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