Dream of the fire

What is the meaning of dream of the fire?Dream dream of the fire?Dream of the fire has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream of the fire.

Dream of the fire

Starting from the primitive times, the fire is the most important property in tribes, and the original human object of worship.Our ancestors, once the cold fire, prevent beast, baked food and light up the dark night, it was regarded as the most precious possessions.ifDream of the fire, the god of fortune has begun waved to you, the rest of your career or business will be prosperous.

But this is a dangerous and difficult, this fire is libido so, resolved, and finally the symbol of a little disappointed. You or friends to reflect on his personal life. If you want to fire, but again see the waterThe fire.Show your push and push out.Brothers or friends will quarrel, fight because of money, don't talk about money, that's ok, a talk about money dispute will be kept.But generallyDream of the fireAnd there will be a good luck.

Money like fire, it is necessary to people's life, but there is a lot of destructive again at the same time, in the dream, the two were equal.

1, the dream of the fire, means will have to gain.

2, dreamed that caught fire in the home, can live a rich life.

3, dream of the fire was put out, the means of economic loss, or loss of love.

4, dream of volcanic eruptions, is a sign of danger, means money is easy come easy go fast, have earn would spend life.Or property from the right path, and will provoke lawsuit, or wealth will be calculated, but is a bigger loss.

5,Dream of the fireLord, still have to look at specific dream, because there are total also not go out process, so the dream presage a home and have a long-term plan things to implement or solve.

Dream of the case analysis to the fire

Description: dream dream my friend and I are chatting, fled, and all of a sudden they don't know what is going on I just realized that our next to the house to fall down, and when the house caught fire, I see it but never a flicker of aescapeThe meaning of.Their speed to escape, the more afraid of, the faster the flame has jumped, finally fled to escape are still in the old place, but not the fire burning to me, I just woke up.(male, 28)

Dreams resolution: fire represents a more severe emotional conflicts, such as anger, loss, etc."In a blaze of the house next to" represent the anger of your personality."There is no burning into my" strong indignation didn't affect your dominant personality.In other words, you are in for their own "from" the ability of psychological adjustment.It has the advantage of, make oneself not to strong emotions, maintain the stability of the personality structure;On the downside, easy to produce the effect of "isolation", as if has nothing to do with their emotional conflict, let themselves go to negative sentiment, will eventually affect the stability of the main body personality.

Dream of the fire

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