Dream of death

What's the meaning of dream of death?Dream dream of death?Dream of death with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution of the dream of death ahead.

Dream of death

Death is a state of peace, stability, is a very auspicious sign.

The dream of others or their dead, trillion elongating life.

Dreamed that he knew people die, means that people are losing their vitality, become dead;

Dreamed that he died, means don't have to worry about life, your body in good health and long life.

Also indicate that you will start a new life, or will change in your life, start a new phase of life.

Dreamed of his death said property will be more and more, all the best of good omen.

Dream is still alive friend death, you will have good fortune.

If the dream of friends and relatives died, died indicated that the dream will longevity and health of relatives and friends.

Dream of stranger's death, forecast turnaround, career or business better, prosperous wealth.

Dream lover died, means find a stable life lovers, andTheir marriage, life happiness.

Dream of an enemy's death, means disturbance stability of life are not afraid of an enemy, you will get some mind wide loyal and reliable friend.

Dreamed of the demise of the king, national leaders will be awarded the honorary title of their higher.

Dream of their own mount or other animals die, economy will suffer a loss.

Dream of a dogDead, means the faithful good friend or assistant to die.

Dream of death or elders.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dead, claim kinship with wealthy people."The duke of zhou interprets" see people die, Lord giovanni cobolli gigli."The duke of zhou interprets"

Saw that he die, Lord is auspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Good lover died, husband and wife."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream to death.Dream body without any reason and tell people to the dead, when, like with the number of push, to check on the qualifications.Dream without any reason and person to the dead, while with the surname name.The dead, also;Also died, service;Sue, also.If parents dream wife tell the dead, is mean not auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of physical death, the long life."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of death and sorrow."Dunhuang dream book"

Dreams physical death.Every dream physical death, there will be happy."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream the living and death.The farthest, literati officer, businessmen, patients, ordinary people have to eat.The broken dream secretary

Dream remains the land, the desert.Dreams cuddle a dead body, Lord with deep pockets,.dreambabyDeath, the main dispute and interest rates, neighborhood peace, mother safe production.Dream the relatives and friends to death, good and bad.Dream mother brother to death, are the main diseases.The broken dream secretary

Others call dreams, ji.Dream of human speech to others and the dead, mega master long life.Dream human speech at a certain date the dead, is a dream.Dreams tell death instead of the dead, like the Lord GuanLu."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Relatives and friends die, it will ShouYan."The duke of zhou interprets"

The dead man cloud, longer life."The duke of zhou interprets"

Smell the adversary to death, make friends."The duke of zhou interprets"

Children with the dead, the main of breath."The duke of zhou interprets"

Son of the dead, add an occasion."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: in the traditionalInterpretation of dreams, people put on the dream of death as a instructions, which will soon be born, or said or the living conditions of people around you will change.Never and intense fear of death, so it also symbolizes the unprecedented great misfortune.The dream of death can also represent you must accept the challenge.Through such a dream, you were asked to find and accept another life road, namely, only when you have the courage to start from scratch, new start is possible.If the dream of his own death, said you are studying his feelings about death.You face life's challenges to escape retreat, or spiritual and physical separation from each other.

Psychological: what do you see yourself not seize the opportunity, know now to take a tumble.Dream symbol by the death of some important life stage, such as the end of childhood, career and so on, according to the beginning of a new stage.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, dreams of death represent invisible part of life, represents the all-knowing, spiritual rebirth and resurrection and to adapt.

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