Dream of himself was put into prison

What do you mean dream of himself was put into prison?Dream dream of himself was put into prison?Dream of himself was put into prison with reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy own detailed solution example was put into prison.

Dream of himself was put into prison

The thief dream of himself was put into prison, it is easy to understand, he is afraid of being caught.

Ordinary people dream of being caught ourselves into the prison, and is afraid to lose freedom, afraid of soul into the prison.

theTo get marriedBefore getting married, had a dream, dream of the police arrested him, let him sign the documents, documents written on: "life sentence".He was taken to the cell, the cell has a big double bed.

This suggests that he take marriage as the loss of freedom, had some reluctant to marry.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the dream of the prison said you set up a trap, you feel emotional difficulties of weight, material and spiritual aspects, these are not caused by the external environment to give him, but to himself.

Psychology analysis: people often caused by a sense of responsibility or negligence to life in prison, and into the dream.Lock and prison door bolt may inspire you, let you understand how their "arrested" in prison.Before the Windows of the prison full of grating shows you feel hard to accept outside help.

Spiritual symbol: from the perspective of the spirit, the dream see prison said you refuse to accept the authority and responsibility for its own existence, prompted a change of fault and negligence is not feeling, but a retreat behind the veil of consciousness.

Dream of himself was put into prison

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