Dream can't understand

Dream can't understand what meaning be?Dream dream of don't understand?Dreamed that don't understand reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream can't understand the detailed solution.

Dream can't understand

Dream of hearing others talk to you, listen to every word very clear, but is feeling don't understand, or yourself to someone else to talk, said very clearly, but others is not understand, said the strong communication anxiety.Maybe in life, you in some way of communication with people, emotional obstacles, or misunderstood the feelings of others, is also likely to remind you should try to let the heart more open, more brave honest.

If dreaming that I am looking at a book no matter what, just don't understand the content of the book, suggest you may not be able to concentrate on my work recently, or suddenly lose interest in thought and literature.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: to understand the dream that you communicate with others.

Psychoanalysis: dreamed that other people can't understand you, that you are in lack of patience when communicating with others, unable to articulate their views.Dreamed that you can't understand, you fear of social entities strong psychological, social make you nervous, you put in contact with people.

Spirit: symbol cannot understand the inner strong communication anxiety.

Dream can not understand relevant content

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