Dream of laughter

Dream of laughter is what mean?Dream dream of smile, ok?Dreamed that laughter has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of smile of detailed solution.

Dream of laughter

Dreamed that he laughed very happy, means that your work will be very successful, in terms of social, you will make wise friends.

Dream of crazy laugh about weird things, said he was disappointed and not harmonious surroundings.

Dream of the children happy laughter, means happiness and health.

Dream of laugh at others' failure, said in order to satisfy their own selfish desires, you will deliberately hurt friend.

Dream of hear derision, said disease and a lot of disappointing things.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream embraceThe deadSmile, big fierce.The broken dream secretary

Our dreams field clap laugh, big fierce.Dream of the estate, will be sad."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream laugh.To push the relatives, every dream deceased laughter, Lord of strangers, the undead JianGao ears.Dream this laughter, the main worry I insult.Or dream phase laugh, you laugh, day ngan hei;I smile gentleman, smart, good joy of accounted for.Dream laughter between parents and children, the main of the same flesh and blood grief from the regret of death, disease, rid pressure solution.Dream couple laughter, and weep draws near, the matter of the separation.Dream brothers smile, of the brothers will strive for.Smile brother younger brother, brother don't brother;Don't brother laugh brother elder brother, brother.Dream laugher, teachers of chemistry, row in the heart.CuiNian laugh, cry of trillion violent."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream smile, look for tears of sorrow.The broken dream secretary

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed that other people laugh at your own said fear that happens in your heart or you be ashamed for himself to do the wrong thing.A similar dream that there must be some kind of pain in your life experience.

Psychoanalysis: dream laugh alone reflects your heart the sense of relief, and cause you laugh thing has very important meaning.If you hear a group of people laugh, are there some things that many people feeling happy.

Spiritual symbol: the dream of laughter (especially for your laughter) says you get great success in one area.

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