Dream of voice

Dream of voice is what mean?Dream dream of voice, ok?Dream of voice has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteVoice) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of voice

Dream of voice, a symbol can't express myself to make people understand yourself.

Dreamed that he has lost his voice, may be said things go wrong, you can't let people understand your talents, thinking.For people in love, especially for the feelings of confusion, may feel love each other very much, but it will not let the other side attaches great importance to yourself.

The dumb dreamed of his voice, suggesting that bad friends around it.

Symbol dreamed himself into the dumb, you have no way to make people understand your thinking process, so the business can't smoothly progress, mute myself to do this is a sign of bad friends appear.

Dream of become mute, want to open my mouth to say a word, suggest that there may be little people slander you, and you can't find out the reason, let you more difficult.

Dreamed that he became mute, malaise, beware of dog.

Dreamed that he became mute and then ok, indicates his defeat.

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