Dream of disease

Dreamed of disease warning is what mean?Dream dreamed of disease warning, ok?Dreamed of disease warning with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed of disease omen of small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of disease

Medical experts after long-term study found, remove the cause of the psychological factors, some present nightmare indeed has repeatedly omen diseases.

From the perspective of the pathology of many physical and mental illness during the latent symptoms are not obvious.Especially during the day, the brain activity of people frequently, brain cells, very excited, but also difficult to aware of the potential pathological changes in the body of a weak signal abnormal stimulation.And sleep, the nightmare may sign many brain cells into the "rest" state of disease, lower work function.At this point, the day affect cell signal will stimulate the cortex related to central, make corresponding brain cells appear stress reaction, produce predictive dreams.For different diseases associated with different dreams, the dream of the same disease is generally similar, click on the answer know your:

1, dream or monsters knocking your head, or to your facial features to fill liquid, etc.Tip: may have brain tumors and nervous system diseases.

2 hear strange ring, a dream.Tip: the auditory near there may be some lesions or hardening of the arteries.

3, dreamed of trachea stuck, breathing is not smooth, choking.Tip: respiratory system may have lesions.

4, dream being chased, fear in the heart, called not to come out, can't run.Concerned after wake up, sweating, heart beat faster.Hint: it could be heart coronary problems.

5, about walking instability, distortion of body and limbs heavy, with choking feeling, and suddenly woke up.Tip: can be an early sign of angina pectoris.

6, dreamed of falling from a height, but is always had awakened also fall to the ground.Note: may be a harbinger of heart disease.

7, dreaming about the fire scenarios, such as burns, etc.Note: may be suffering from high blood pressure.

8, dreamed of water scene, for exampleThe flood, marshes, drowning, etc.Tip: liver system and kidney may have lesions.

9, dreamt of flying scenes.Tip: circulatory system may have lesions.

10 and dreamed that they practiced the wicked.Tip: the digestive system may be lesions.

11 being beaten, a dream, wake up feeling dream turned parts of the pain.Tip: the corresponding zang-fu organs might be lurking lesions.

12 eat weird taste food, a dream, wake up in the mouth still have peculiar smell;Or dream feeling hungry, eat a lot of food, pain suffered after waking.Tip: gastrointestinal parts may have problems.

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