Dreamed of a friend was killed

Dreamed of a friend was killed is what mean?Dream dreamed of a friend was killed?Dreamed of a friend was killed with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of a friend was killed the detailed solution.

Dreamed of a friend was killed

Dreamed of a friend was killed, was killed friends will have good luck.Symbol (dead also forgotten, eliminate, overcome)

Dream of friends relatives died, said you may have something sad happen, may also be yourself or friends and relatives will get sick.

Dream of a friend was killed, it is suggested that you may have some reason with him before the small friction, and gradually alienated, the dream is to tell you, now is the time to loose knot, maybe he didn't feel good, you can active to care about him, melt the knot.

Dream of friend committed suicide, said there are a lot of pressure and confusion, your current life luck also not good, the dream is to tell you should change your current lifestyle, review of present life if there is any bad places, so these troubles will remove one by one, luck also will improve.

Dreamed you kill friends (relative), said your relationship with them is not good, and bad communication, a lot of things to each other, admits, though now all seemed happy on the surface, it is a big problem between you and need to have a good communication, examine your relationship.

Dream of suicide were blocked (prevent friend committed suicide), this means that you will be refreshed, put aside all the pressure, to complete the mission impossible.If the dream is you stop somebody commit suicide, said your relationships will improve, slowly to welcome.

Dream of friends hanging, said evil will come from the enemy.

Dreamed of a friend was killed

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