Dream of anesthesia anesthetic

Dream of anesthesia anesthetic is what mean?Dream dream of anesthetic drugs?Dream of anesthetic drugs have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dreamed of local anesthetic solution to speak in detail.

Dream of anesthesia anesthetic

Dreamed that he drugged, unconsciousness, or disabled, this dream is to remind you be careful around someone envy you, or to your negligence, let you make a mistake, should be vigilant, do not easily promise.

Dream of someone to give you an anaesthetic, indicate that you have to attack their emotions.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed that he was anesthesia means that you are trying to make his feelings do not hurt.In addition, this kind of dreams can also say you want or forced to avoid certain things in life and contradiction.

Psychoanalysis: you can't face some contradiction, can only try to avoid them, although finally can not be successful.In addition, this kind of dreams can also say you want to find a quiet space, where they can fully exert their talents, to achieve the expected results.

Symbol of anesthesia or spiritual symbol: a dream memory loss and death.It also said the death of a part of your character.

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