Dream of leprosy

Dream of leprosy is what mean?Dream dream of leprosy, ok?Dream of leprosy has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of leprosy detailed solution.

Dream of leprosy

Dream of suffering from leprosy, is there pain response, you will lose a lot of money, and bring the family pain.

Skeletal muscle gradually decay falls off, symbol of leprosy patients with business in decline.

Dreamed that he had leprosy, means that my own business, will be very smooth.

If the dream of others suffered from leprosy, the means as oneself condition both competitors and partners, oneself will be promoted.

Dream of leprosy patients, healthy body, but will also be promoted.

Dream of talking with leprosy patients, practicing medicine can earn money.

Dream home have leprosy patients visiting, means that someone will visit your house, to you.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed of leprosy said do you think some aspect of their existence defects or stain.In addition, this kind of dreams can also say you feel there is no reason to be excluded outside the society.

Psychoanalysis: dreamed that he had leprosy means that you think yourself have stains, but he was unable to get rid of.In this case, you can only swallow the bitter fruit.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual level, dreamed of leprosy patients said you had fallen into dilemma in moral dilemma.

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