Dream of crowded sores

Dream of crowded sores is what mean?Dream dream of crowded sores, ok?Dream of crowded sores with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of crowded boils the detailed solution.

Dream of crowded sores

Dream of crowded sores, indicate there is progress, skill in calligraphy, the abacus, instruments and other skills will be greatly improved.

Students dreamed of crowded sores, signalThe testGood record.

Patient dreamed crowded sores, indicate your luck this time, no sweet without sweat, luck opening, but afraid of falters, flip-flopping.

Dream of someone else got scabies, you try to avoid contact, said you after a hard, taste the joy of success, but there is a lingering fear.

Dreamed that he got scabies, suggest you will be using, in order to protect yourself, you can only go to accuse other people.

If it is youngA womanDreamed that he got scabies, which indicated she was about to fall, a dissolute pleasure of life.

Life's sore on the skin is swollen rotten ulcer disease.Dream head papula that their work pressure is too big, should pay attention to proper rest.

Dream of first boil, don't need to think that working pressure is big, have pressure will have progress, is growing, but tired and have proper rest.

Patient dreamed of sores on their heads and body will recover soon.

Singles dream of boil the main recent love, a temporary success, but the results failed.

The old man dreamed that boil the main travel, there will be, but will be fierce for.

Dream of head of sores, good omen that the body is very healthy.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream, full of sores scabies.Dream sores is prosperous, mange production have to rely on, scabbed declared as collectors.Dream raw bleeding with the tongue lick, elected officer."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream scabies infection boil with not mu, fierce.For the son of man is the dream that, Lord parents have;Flat people dream of this, for someone to loss of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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