Dream of revenge

Dream of revenge is what mean?Dream dream of revenge?Dream of revenge have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of revenge of the detailed solution.

Dream of revenge

Revenge is to abandon

Revenge means the end of all grievances and grudges over after two people no longer have contacted, so in a dream, revenge is separated and discarded.

Dream of revenge, means abandoned by friends.

A womanDream of revenge on her husband's lover, it means that a failed marriage.

Dream of reprisal against his boss, means the end of the working relationship, or be fired.

But if the dream of revenge, the enemy is a good omen, the enemy on behalf of the career of obstacles and difficulties, this means difficult away from their dreams, natural success just around the corner.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: revenge is abandoned.Revenge means the end of all grievances and grudges over after two people no longer have contacted, so in a dream, revenge is separated and discarded.

Psychology analysis: dream of revenge, is inauspicious, can be abandoned by friends.Women dream of revenge on her husband's lover, it means that the marriage will fail.Dreamed that he suffered from the enemy's revenge, is a kind of good omen, the enemy on behalf of the career of obstacles and difficulties, this means that the department difficult away from yourself, successful natural just around the corner.

Dream of case analysis of revenge

Description: dream the dream it was as if I had to live in a primitive tribe, I am a chief of the tribe.I dreamed that we tribal people killed by another tribe's people, great anger, I determined to revenge, must denounce the well each other.(male, 26 years old)

Resolution: dream dreams of revenge, represents the indignation mood, is the symbol of anger and resentment in your heart to the fullest, and have the urge to vent.So will appear in your dreams of revenge.Dream of revenge, suggests that people in the heart filled with indignation, is to remind you to be patient and tolerant of heart, don't be too impulsive.

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