Dream of illegal trade

Dream of illegal trading is what mean?Dream dream of illegal trade?Dream of illegal trading have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of illegal trade detailed solution.

Dream of illegal trade

Illegal trade, dreaming that I suggest the dreamer wobbling of the current business activities, fear of wrong decision will cause irreparable loss to oneself.

Dream of find others involved in illegal trade, means that the dreamer is strict about things, soon will produce a quarrel or conflict with others.

Dream of others for illegal trading, said the competitive heart strong, dynamic.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The dream.Dreams and transactions, to disease.Detailed transaction what, what to buy and sell, sell fierce, sell, curse, buy ji fu, increases with the increasing things, to kind of.And appropriate detailed transactions, with whom is deposit is dead, dead fierce, no disaster survivors."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dream of people trading, ji.The abundance of his possessions."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Deal with people, the Lord has a disease."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreamed of illegal trade case analysis (BY )

I dream description: real business, it is absolutely not do illegal trading, but once I dreamed that he started a cigarettes illegal trading.I've always indecisive, but giving friend persuasion.But when trading was frightened to wake up.(male, 29 years old)

Dreams resolution: illegal trading in a dream, is to remind you should proceed with caution.Dream of illegal trading, that you of your current business activities held by vacillating attitude, fear of wrong decision can cause irreparable loss to you.The dream is in remind you should reconsider what you thing, consider carefully, and then put into action.

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