Dream of playing a slap in the face

Dreamed of playing a slap in the face is what mean?Dream dream slapped ok or not?Dream of slapped with reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy slapped the detailed solution.

Dream of playing a slap in the face

Slapped in the life is very barbaric.

Dream of playing a slap in the face, its meaning depends on the plot.

Dream of being hit a slap and predictor for you in the years to come, but, blockbuster.

Dreamed that he hit a slap and others means you are going to stand for a period of time people to their scorn.

Dream of a slap in the face of other people dozen others, means you particularly aggrieed, strong sense of justice.

Dream of argument with dad, good omen, family relationship is harmonious.

Dreamed of was slapped by my dad, will get very good relationship with my father.

Dreamed that he slapped the others that the dreamer may be laughed at by others.Appropriate appropriate patient, insist on is victory.

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