Dreamed that dad was sentenced

Dreamed that my dad was sentence what mean?Dream dreamed that father was sentenced, ok?Dreamed that father was sentenced to reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of dad was sentenced the detailed solution.

Dreamed that dad was sentenced

Dream of dadConvicted, malaise, portend will encounter difficulties in life.

Dream heard my father was sentenced to death, although there is a good message from symptoms, but in fact likely to hear.

Dream of dadGo to jail, difficulties will be past, get unexpected help.

Job seekers dreamed dad in jail, the main job in smoothly.Could get good opportunity because of a friend's recommendation, might as well and friends more about your job objective.

Clerk dreamed dad in jail, the main terms of wealth with people, spending big, less profit.

Men dreamed of father in jail, heralded the far bon voyage.(byDuke of zhou interprets /Provide)

Dreamed of dad was sentenced case analysis

Dream description: a began to dream of ears, the ear is to be cut down, three or four.Then, frightened, ran home, the Windows are closed.Shut the window beside the curtain when see a pair of boots, thenkillMade out to hold me.And then dream of is my dad killed people, and then my father fled, I have sent him to prison.I want to know what is the meaning of the dream.

Duke of zhou interprets: parents is a symbol of social order and morality.If the dream feels very good relationship with my parents, you follow these rules.Such as feeling gave parents bad relations, have obvious resistance, is your heart in of these standards have a sense of revolt, they may make you feel depressed, bound.

That is to say, you now do not think father is right, that is you are free, at least think they have the ability to tell right from wrong.

Communication to communicate with your dad, don't let the thought of potential damage the atmosphere in the home.Father is always father.

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