Insomnia do

Insomnia do

Insomnia is a kind of disease, often susceptible, upon every one of us is likely to be seen, whether young or old, are more or less suffer from insomnia this condition, I am personally experienced insomnia pain, unable to sleep at night, or is often a nightmare to wake after sleep, can't fall asleep again, after the whole night suffer from insomnia, up in the morning, very tired, can not lift spirit to work in the day, attention is not centralized, the work efficiency but also don't mention it.

Insomnia do

The dangers of insomnia is too big, suffered from insomnia, but cannot treat STH lightly, even if you are a mild insomnia, also should pay attention to it will deteriorate, slowly become serious insomnia, after in agony.Not insomnia, the first is the harm of human body immunity and resistance of the body, then the person's mental state is not very good, image to our mood and emotions, we become irritable, irritability, anxiety, worry, and so on.More serious still will be accompanied by back pain, diabetes, heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, and so on the happening of the disease, that thed loss outweights the gain.

There are a lot of insomnia patients cannot recover for a long time, have such patients more, sleep is normal, but one to woke up in the middle of the night, and then unable to fall asleep again, even if is to sleep and sleep the sleep, will haunt The Times of day or their thoughts, so that the brain is in a state of very excited, thinking is more active, and without outside interference, this is what I've suffered from insomnia after symptoms.

Maybe there are a lot of people know the cause of most writers, often in the middle of the professor, because in this period of time, no interference, active thinking, rich inspiration.But, it is not a good thing for patients with insomnia, what they need is sweet sleep.

Insomnia adjustment method, people for a certain events in life or work pressure and cause insomnia, with will to alleviate the pressure release, also will improve insomnia, insomnia, how to do?The fast pace of urban life, let people work, live, life is full of different threats, the pressure of incomplete data show that about 70% of a person's physical condition is in a state of sub-health, in under the influence of external factors, once the lower immune system, people's self disease will come, when people are sick mental state often is weak, in such a human once insomnia will prompt the deterioration of the illness.

First of all, don't be nervous, build up confidence, to seek a reasonable and effective method to overcome the insomnia, much dream.Insomnia, much dream is not a serious illness, 1 day less sleep a few hours or days do not have what relation.For secondary insomnia, basic diseases or conditions to deal with the cause of insomnia is given priority to, in general, after the solution on the cause of insomnia, insomnia will not.For the treatment of primary insomnia, the most important thing is to adjust sleep habits, restore normal biological rhythms, sleep time each one different, short sleep time some didn't have much effect on the human body.

Second, keep optimistic, contentment changle good state of mind.In social competition, such as personal gains and losses are fully understanding, to avoid setbacks psychological imbalance.To establish a system for regular life a day, keep the normal sleep - wake rhythm of people.Create conditions conducive to sleep reflection mechanism.Like a hot bath before going to bed for half an hour, soak the foot, a glass of milk, etc., as long as you insist for a long time, will establish a "conditioned reflex" sleep.

Again, a moderate amount of exercise during the day, help to sleep at night, in addition, good sleep hygiene habits.Keep the bedroom clean, quiet, away from the noise, avoid light stimulation, etc.;Avoid drinking tea before you go to sleep, drink, etc.Self-regulation, self-talk.Can play some relaxing activities, also can be repeated count, etc., sometimes slightly relax, it can speed up sleep.

Finally, limit daytime sleep time.In addition to the old people can be appropriately nap during the day, or a nap for a moment, should avoid to nap or a nap, otherwise it will reduce sleepiness and sleep at night.

Warm prompt: pressure overload work, leads people to easy to suffer from insomnia, insomnia is best to take some more healthy physical therapy, such as, suggestion therapy, just before bed, massage therapy, etc., as far as possible not to adopt the method of eat sleeping pills, as the saying goes, medicine 3 minutes poison, especially western medicine side effects.

Winter insomnia how to do?Basically has the following several ways:

First of all, to ensure the regularity of life.Don't stay up late and go to bed on time and get up on time;Some regular exercise habit;Before sleeping, do some light, adjust the mood, can use hot water bubble foot;Before sleeping to avoid eat excitant food;Another is note morpheus environment construction.

Second, insomnia how to do can also use the food to adjust, here are some food to help sleep:

Lotus seeds, lotus seeds tasty, with a bushing benefit spleen, nourishing blood sedative effect and so on.In recent years, biologists confirmed through experiment, the lotus seed contains the composition such as alkali, aromatic lotus seed glucoside have a calming effect.Also can promote the pancreas to secrete insulin after eating the lotus seed, which increases the supply of serotonin, therefore, can help others to fall asleep.Sugar boiled lotus seed will have a good sleeping, but for a person with diabetes should not be the same.

Fruit: fatigue and insomnia, sleep to eat apples, bananas, etc., can fight muscle fatigue.Or put the orange, orange kind of fruits in bed, the smell can also promote sleep.

Vinegar: a bit of vinegar can help to digest food, alleviate the burden of the gastrointestinal tract.Especially after the long trip, overwork, difficult to sleep at night, 1 TBSP available slowly into the warm water against the vinegar.Meditation eye closure after drinking, will soon fall asleep.But some often vomit acid water, or people with gastric and duodenal ulcer gastric acidity shall not take.

Winter insomnia how to do?Above made detailed introduction for you, the hope can help you, patients can be treated according to their own situation to choose the appropriate method, keep positive and optimistic attitude, so as to eliminate the symptoms of insomnia in winter, reduce unnecessary trouble.

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