Why would it

1. The first founded, wheat hypnosis hypnosis theory, he found hypnotized person often can appear the symptom of sleepwalking.According to the classification standard of modern hypnotic state, is the state of sleepwalking hypnotic state can lead to the most.If the hypnotist will be induced into the hypnotist somnambulism, command to do some chores by hypnosis, hypnotized person can be completed as well as a normal condition.Hypnosis is central in the brain according to the principle of the speech hint a centre of excitement, and inhibition of other parts of the activities.Sleepwalking, too, the central part of the brain get excited, and the other part is still in sleep.

"Ham suggested after a hypnotic experiment, to show that hypnosis is suggested after can make the person feel the realistic illusion and reality.This experiment is this:

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I give a smart, sensitive, but not hysterical women to hypnosis, I gave her a very complex posthypnotic hinted that made her all the senses are involved.I suggest that in the courtyard of the hospital she heard the music, the soldiers went upstairs to enter the room....For a musician drunk nonsense, still want to hug her, she gave him two slap in the face, still Shouting nurses and the head nurse, quickly to get rid of the drunk nurses.The above scenarios are described in hypnosis to by hypnosis.As a result, she woke up, vividly felt the scenes.She had never had the same illusion, she now how also can not get rid of this illusion.Review about, she asked whether other patients saw what happened just now.She could not distinguish reality and illusion.When it's all over, I told her: "this is just my suggest you illusion."She really believe just act is an illusion, but she insisted that it was almost like reality, much more real than a dream.

Patients from hypnosis after wake up, will the hypnosis of what's going on in the process of forgotten.Before long, because after they hypnotized implications, he realized vivid hallucinations.This experiment provides shows a pattern of sleepwalking: like hypnotized person, sleepwalkers are but will advance design good script for a rehearsal of the type of illusion.Of course, this explanation is just a kind of approximate analogy.

2. Psychoanalytic theory

Freud thinks it is a subconscious depressive mood performance at the appropriate time to attack.Indeed, there is always some pain in patients experience.In fact, the use of psychoanalysis theory can be very intuitive explanation of sleepwalking: when this me strength accumulated to a certain extent, they broke through the alert of the self.In front of the book I force aggression, of the self can escape no matter, only a few on duty for the self do assistant, because the person's words and deeds are the responsibility of self.After this I messing around for a while, a lot of energy consumption, the duty of self immediately took this I back to prison.In order to avoid my punishment, self duty to hide bird-flu outbreaks, the results after wake up a sleepwalker will know nothing about what happened just now.Although almost 'explained above, but it is a point logically.

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