Che LingQian fiftieth sign: sign

Che LingQian fiftieth sign: sign _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianThe fiftieth sign: sign

Sign: stuck very long time away from home, be lost lonely goose is thought;Horse cattle than be and, bad is good.

Solution to sign: difficult before they are easy, house in anji, their peace, and deep

Delay broken sign: home poverty, disease, their own endurance, discrepancy is not auspicious, marriage, divorce, don't ask for money, encouraged farmers don't well, to be can not, beast as, after the transfer

House: peace

Travel: on the way

Marriage: should not rush

Pedestrian: did not start

Baby: pay attention to recuperate

Action: can a reconciliation

Career: success is in sight

Relocation: far in unfavorable

Themselves: need to think more

Disease: can be recovered

Finances: business before pleasure

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