Che LingQian 46 sign: sign

Che LingQian 46 sign: sign _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQian46 sign: sign

Roots sign: don't fear the wind shake, stream turbidity who know the original is clear;Officer has is a rational people, why should I worry about nothing is clear.

Sign: he prospered

Broken sign: messuage restless, there are risks of disease after the dash, their own grievances, and there is resistance, twists and turns, marriage for money owed, patience everything, after a storm comes a calm, litigation MoXing, litigation win

House: is there a officer

Travel: watch out for

Marriage: see dawn

Pedestrian: will come

Our son birth:

Action: the bottom

Career: every cloud has opened

Relocation: wait a minute

Themselves: since the qing qing

Disease: have to cure

Finances: money well

Che LingQian 46 sign: sign related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query