Dream of astronomical

Dream of astronomical phenomena is what mean?Dream dream of astronomical phenomena, ok?Dream of astronomical reality and the influence of the reaction and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of astronomical detailed solution.

Dream of astronomical

Omen of dream of the sky is falling, there will be a life and death to leave, should be pay attention to the parents' health, safety and disease.

If the dream of ascension or fly to heaven, and suggest that you have a chance to get ahead, or are high.But if has come down in the sky, you have a tendency to escape from reality.

If the dream of heaven sent out light, or golden way, suggest you can get promoted, or difficult to eliminate, prosperous New Year.

Dreamt of tianma flew in the sky that you love best, career.

Dream of enter the heavenly palace, indicated that you will meet people.

Dreamed that fell from the sky, the signal will have big changes, or goes wrong.

Dreamt of walking in the river in the sky, indicated in the aspect of spirit, may obtain insight.

Dream of sitting on the balloons hanging basket rising into the sky, be careful to prevent accidental, suggest you may encounter traffic accident, injury or accident.In the up and down the stairs, crossing the road, sanda sports, cycling, take special note of driving.

Dream of money curling into the sky that you might encounter unexpected money loss, such as encounter pickpockets, be careful.

Dreamed that he climbed up the stairs to see the sky that good fortune, will have unexpected earnings.

Zhouyi dream

Dream of the sky is falling, shenglisibie, pay attention to parents.

Dream of ascension on behalf of somebody.But has not been down in the sky, it is an image of escape from reality.

Like the injection light in the sky, said the promotion, barriers to eliminate.

Like a dream to enter heaven palace noble said.

Fall from the sky said have big change.

Dream through the river of heaven, said it would close to the life true meaning.

Such as the air, and floating said mental and physical and mental imbalance.

Dream of the red sky, everything goes well with the status quo.

Dream about the black sky, said everywhere will have a dispute, the sick man must pay attention to.

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