Dream of sludge of dirt

Dream of sludge dirt is what mean?Dream dream of sludge dirt?Dream of sludge dirt with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of sludge dirt detailed solution.

Dream of sludge of dirt

Dreamed of by from the sludge or mud, will encounter danger and misfortune.

Dream of mire (or mud), would avoid big risk.

Dream of stalled, bedridden.

Dream of throw a stone into the mud, will have quarrels with his men, reputation.

Dream of covered in dirt, symbol of the strong.

marriedA womanWalked to the mud, will be secular lock and entanglement.

Asked not dreamed about in the mud.

Dream of dirt clothes has been fierce.

Dream of dirt shirt main body.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream put baoguang mud, business.Big expensive literati, the city people rich, family, fullness."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

In the mud, but I can not."The duke of zhou interprets"

Stones sludge, reputation damage."The duke of zhou interprets"

With sludge, and body strong."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreamed of sludge dirt case analysis ()

The dream description: my dreams as I was a kid.Me and some children playing together, playing, playing, aThe little boyThen kicked up the soil, is I and the other kids were covered soil, very dirty.In my heart is very angry, ' 'want to play with that little boy anymore.(women, 15)

Resolution: dream dream sludge, is a careful man.Dream of sludge, in daily life or work you should be careful, on 'for caution.May the people around you or your trusted friends, make some little tricks behind, you should be vigilant, learn to protect themselves.

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