Dream of the lava

Dream of lava is what mean?Dream dream of lava?Dream of lava has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of lava detailed solution.

Dream of the lava

Dream of the fireMolten rock mountain, suggest you in communication with people, recently will unexpectedly smoothly, you are very popular.

Dream of lava, suggested that you recently made an important choice, you were once in the psychological sense of panic, but the time eventually prove your choice is good for you, this dream is from you too panic anxiety caused by residual energy dissipation, is also a sign of your heart to relax.

Dream of feel lava rolling, said out of control situation or emotion, intense and difficult to control.

Dream of solidified lava, said passion cooled.

Dream of volcanic eruptions, is a sign of danger, means money is easy come easy go fast, have life make would spend, or property from the right path, and will provoke lawsuit, or make a fortune will be calculation, instead of being a bigger loss.

Dream of volcanic eruptions, says you'll violent quarrel with others, and allows you to set up credit damage.If women do this dream, u are selfish and greedy, and will make some adventure and bad things.

Due to his dream of a volcanic eruption, suggesting that dreamer failed to achieve the purpose of, so will lose hope.

Patient dreamed of a volcanic eruption, suggesting that the dreamer back to health has hope.

Traders dream of volcanic eruptions, suggests that the dreamer will encounter is strong, the economy will suffer.

Dream of extinct volcanoes, indicate the dreamer can make new.

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