Dream of the vines

Dream of the vines is what mean?Dream dream of vines, ok?Dream of vines have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of vines detailed solution.

Dream of the vines

A womanDream of plantgrapesRich, means a happy family life, partner, children filial piety.

A manDream of grapesRattan, suggesting that the work is smooth, can accomplish something.

Old man dreamed of planted vines, body health, long life, enjoy happiness and happiness brought by the five generations.

Businessman dream of planted vines, warning the next deal will let the dream is big money.

Dreamed of vines case analysis ( )

Description: dream the dream I walked into a vineyard, garden are grapes, as the eye can see edge.Looked at the casing of the vine, I somehow had produced the idea of the kind of grapes.Wish to wait until next year, I also in the garden planted a tree in front of the home.(female, 30 years old)

Resolution: dream dream vines, symbolizes the success, happiness and health.Men dreamed of vines, will be a success in business.Women dream of vines, means that family harmony, happy, happy family life.The old man dreamed of vines, means filial children, to live as long as the southern mountain.

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