Dream of the wind

What is the meaning of dream of the wind?Dream dream of the wind?Dream of winds have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the wind the detailed solution.

Dream of the wind

Dream of the wind, symbol of disappointing business, unfortunately in life.

Dream of high winds and heavy rain, said life is suffering from serious illness easily.

Dream of the wind blow the house shaking, said it wouldmoveThe migration.

Dream of the storm made fields flooded, said is likely to happen some unpleasant things.Perhaps unfortunately with hate teacher sat in the car.

Dream of winds and anger, roar gusting angrily, is a symbol of resistance and damage.

Dream gusting angrily, is the heart of a kind of expression of hardship.

Men dreamed of gusting angrily, means will encounter greater resistance in the work.

Women dream of gusting angrily, promises to be the emotionally hurt deeper.

Case analysis () of the dream of high winds

Description: dream a dream, I a person walking in the street of the autumn.Is already late autumn, the pavement eyeful is faded and fallen leaves in the street, let a person the feeling of heart sound sad.Suddenly, the sky in the wind, howling wind too dark.(female, 28)

Dreams resolution: winds came in gusts of dream, is a symbol of resistance and damage.Dream of winds came in gusts, is your heart a kind of expression of hardship.Men dreamed of winds came in gusts, means that you will encounter greater resistance in the work.Women dream of winds came in gusts, portends a will you be in emotional deeper damage.

Dream of the wind

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