Dream of the volcano

Dream of the volcano is what mean?Dream dream of volcano?Dream of volcano has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of volcanic detailed solution.

Dream of the volcano

Dream of the fireMount, or are in the eruption of volcanoes, remind you may lose self-control, to a feeling of "outbreak", do this dream, said some situation in your subconscious has been to the life, or your some feelings very worried.This dream warned you don't ignore the potential danger, must take timely measures to defense, otherwise, you have to worry about the situation or relationship, may be about to suddenly appear in painful ways.

If in the dream can feel volcanic explosive power, expressed in all of this you cannot refrain from anger.

If dreams are lava rolling, said out of control situation or emotion, intense and difficult to control.In the dream saw a solidified lava, said passion cooled.

Dream of smoldering volcanoes, said in the aspect of love, you may have encountered a passionate sex, but the dream is to remind you that may be very dangerous, best can back from the brink.

Dream of a dormant volcano or extinct volcanoes, said the past painful events have died down, but there are still a potentially dangerous, for the rest of your life met a similar situation to be more careful.

Dream of volcano out, more related to the fatigue state of mind.Could mean long plagued your situation is finally over, may also mean that you will eventually be deeply blocked all his enthusiasm.

For a youngA woman, the dream of the volcano, indicated her selfishness and greed will bring people to take her life journey full of adventure.

Zhouyi dream

The outbreak of or sleeping volcano is a warning.Remind you that you are repressed part (such as) may be make trouble to you, unless you allow it to meet in real life.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Volcanic gush, the main problem."The duke of zhou interprets"

Moving downward, the main job."The duke of zhou interprets"

See extinct volcanoes, and making new friends."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: volcano is a symbol of the abundant meaning.If the volcano out, said you "kill" his enthusiasm, or said long plagued your situation was finally over.

Psychoanalysis: volcanic eruptions that you have no control over a situation or their feelings, that both will pop up in painful ways.If the lava appears in the position of the obvious, said the feelings is very deep.If the lava solidified, said the cooling of passion.If feel the explosive power of the volcano angry mood.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the volcano the pent-up passion sometimes appalling manner.

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