Body facial nevus at another woman secret

The body of facial nevus up and take noticeA womansecret

Ancient fengshui believe that a good face mole, ms grow mole in a particular location can be fierce, her husband, her husband will everything bad, ups and downs of life, her husband elder family members often get sick.Ancient "copulative biography", "dripping day pulp) righteousness" recorded women just wear blue velvet, orange crystal stone or stone charms (stele talisman is a "red silkworm stone, cloud stone, four leaf lucky stone, orange" produced by the above four).The above three items at the same time to wear any two can completely resolve grams, mole, so men don't cry because it is women have g, moles and one obstacle factors as the love or marriage.

Body facial nevus at another woman secret

The forehead has g, mole woman 】

Forehead grams, nevus have?

Forehead mole: temple area called "migration palace" in the reading, also known as "post horse palace", can show a person's travel, tourism, promotion and information such as immigration.Forehead suggested affection, transport as a whole.The mole is presage a mole of family background.(the following Numbers corresponding to the Numbers on the left forehead)

1, the king.Big expensive of birthmark, but damage husband parents healthy.

2 and 9.G, marriage life is changeable,To get marriedSeveral times.

3, hinder the parents.Interfere with the parents, adverse to the parents.

4, less slaves.Thrifty people, things to do.

5, remarry, the phase of remarried.

6, kiss.Is not conducive to loved ones.

7, hinder the father hinder.Against father and husband.

8, absent.Marry to the other place, the mountain block, die.

9, loss.Damage to her husband for g phase.

10, eritrea.Easy on fertility problems, during childbirth or have gynecopathy problem such as pelvic inflammatory disease, attached file is phlogistic, oviduct, cervicitis, chocolate cyst, not giving birth to a male son in law for her husband.

Above only the ancient geomantic learn a way of thought, the ancient "copulative", "dripping day pulp) righteousness" recorded women just wear blue velvet, orange crystal stone or stone charms (stele talisman is a "red silkworm stone, cloud stone, four leaf lucky stone, orange" produced by the above four).The above three items at the same time to wear any two can completely resolve grams, mole, so men don't cry because it is women have g, moles and one obstacle factors as the love or marriage.

Body facial nevus at another woman secret

"Eyebrow eye has g, mole of woman"

What are the eyebrow eye grams, nei?

Two brow on microscopy is also called the "palace", representing a personal career development and promotion of the job, look from this area can break out of a man's life's turbid.If it is a grey an evil mole, 28, is likely to occur before and after serious marriage or relationship problems.The second half of the eyebrows symbol with a person's reason and ability.(the following Numbers corresponding to the Numbers on the left forehead) 11, hinder.Against her husband.Life is difficult to have a normal family life, between the eyebrows, destined to loneliness.

12, disease of department of gynaecology of disaster, woman much easier.

13, her husband away.The pain of separation.

14, appropriate KeZi.Good for husband, but is not good for children.

15 and prison.Easy to attract man.

16, appropriate bluffs.Luck to her husband did not help phase, but there is a lot of help to the child.

17, appropriate bluffs.Luck to her husband did not help phase, but there is a lot of help to the child.

18, your husband KeZi.For any phase of your husband.But is not good for children.

19, hinder.Is the phase of hinder a husband, for her husband's career played a bad role.

Weak 20, long life.For the longevity of the phase, but money is not good.

21, eritrea.As the phase of urban fire disaster, in the outside, occupy the cautious touch the fire.And easy to have chronic diseases, bad luck.

22, holdup.Easy to attract small home of disaster prone to theft.

Above only the ancient geomantic learn a way of thought, the ancient "copulative", "dripping day pulp) righteousness" recorded women just wear blue velvet, orange crystal stone or stone charms (stele talisman is a "red silkworm stone, cloud stone, four leaf lucky stone, orange" produced by the above four).The above three items at the same time to wear any two can completely resolve grams, mole, so men don't cry because it is women have g, moles and one obstacle factors as the love or marriage.

Body facial nevus at another woman secret

【 mouth grams, mole 】

Mouth from Ellen nevus have?

Think on mouth reading is very important, it can bring out a person's travel, tourism, promotion and information such as immigration.Forehead suggested affection, transport as a whole.The mole is presage a mole of family background.(the following Numbers corresponding to the Numbers on the left forehead)

1, husband is liable to be dog hideous, life ups and downs.

2, g, healthy husband raw liver disease easily

3, bad husband kidney, shoulder more symptoms

4, the husband susceptible to by SIMS

5, husband easier esophagus and lung disease

6, her husband was your breath is easily

7, her husband would be unsuccessful

8, husband easily fall in emotional disputes

9, Ms. Child is not easy to ancient think having no children is bad for her husband, her husband also easy bad heart

10, husband easy gallstones

11, husband accumulate weak spending money

12, a healthy husband raw liver disease easily

13, marriage, not prone to quarrel

14, husband easy prostatitis

15, husband travel dangerous, easy outA car accident

16, husband prone to diabetes

17, husband prone to high blood pressure

18, easy husband life a lot

19, husband are easy to be dog hideous

20, husband to life a lot

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