Section of the clans

The segment 1. West Seoul's the charts in the Ming dynasty revealed two years (1622) section four compilation teaches ethnic doan part now Seoul home

2. Shandong j "section of the clans in the Ming dynasty jiaqing five years compiling now j QiShan Township wei village doan home

3. Shandong liaocheng "section's genealogy" Ming dynasty jiaqing six years compiling ethnic Tibetan liaocheng small part Duan Zhuang doan home now

4. Henan civil rights Duan Zhuang the segment's genealogy compilation Ming longqing three-year now before and after the civil rights Duan Zhuang doan part people home

5. Shandong caoxian county Duan Zhuang the segment's genealogy compilation of the first year of the Ming dynasty jiaqing, now there are Duan Zhuang doan part people home

Paragraph 6. Shaanxi Seoul's "the eastward the spectrum" seven XuBen qing daoguang Duan Peiwu, Duan Peizhu majored in thirty years, now Seoul doan part three village home

7. Henan Meng County "section's genealogy" qing qianlong, now nine years editing Meng County Duan Zhuang east, west, paragraphs name is part of the race at home

8. The section's genealogy (8) compiling qing guangxu fourteen years

9, shanxi hongtong feng zhang village "section's genealogy" (volume 1) (1942 temple a reserves) twelve years qing qianlong Duan Chengluan hongtong county archives compilation is hide

10. Jiangsu jintan "section's home by" (volume 1) qing guangxu seven years period of lysogenic compilation, now nanjing university library

11. Jurong "other music's rewriting genealogy Duan Yongwu four years of qing emperor guangxu, period of pure wide rebuilt now jiangsu archives (storage volume)

12. Jiang Xibo Yang "province Yang's genealogy (10) eight years reign of qing emperor guangxu Duan Shaoluo compilation, now Shanghai library

13. The hubei new period's genealogy (14) build Duan Guangyu, Duan Qinghai chong qing guangxu thirty years, now new town for transshipment sand village doan part three shop people home

14. Hunan ningxiang "weishan ning's three segment with spectrum" type two years the reign of qing emperor guangxu courtesy of library of hunan province

15. The section of the clans of shaoyang, hunan province (32) dajing decade Duan Xiang xi, dry period set such as compiling courtesy of library of hunan province

16. Sichuan neijiang section's genealogy (four volumes) qing xianfeng seven years Duan Zhengyan compilation and segment are 鍅 courtesy of library of sichuan province

17. Yunnan sumie "section's genealogy" qing xianfeng eleven years period, zhou took such as courtesy MoJiang County archives

18. The period of clans (20 volumes) 1917 Duan Boqing, Duan Dahua compilation, now hubei jianli archives, etc

19. Jiangsu venture period of clans (four volumes) 1936 Duan Wende compiling now venture Zhao Zhuang village township section

20. Zhejiang dichroa segment's genealogy (28) little root rebuilt in 1944, now of changshan county fang tong village, village

21. Zhejiang dichroa segment's genealogy (volume classification) engraved forms in 1926, now changshan county township serdang lotus village

22. Shou county in anhui section's genealogy (four volumes stamping this) compilation of the tripod 1925 courtesy of the library of congress

23. Fujian jianyang "XingTian period of clans" (21) 1916 Duan Wen his courtesy of zhejiang library compiling (in three volumes)

24. Jiangxi pingxiang "ping western clan spectrum (types) of wood, now in jiangxi province library

25. The paper for Yang hubei section's genealogy Duan Shifang majored in courtesy of library in wuhan in 1918

26. Hubei lichuan "thick dam section clan spectrum" (four volumes) 1921 jokes qin xiu, now chongqing library of sichuan province

27. Hunan NingYi "'s five segment genealogy "(twelve stamping this) 1930 period of alcohol in courtesy of library of hunan province

28. Hunan xiangtan north section's genealogy (stamping, volume classification) segment ShengQi in 1920, such as editing, now at the university of California library

29. Hunan xiangtan hunan depression in the wood's five segment tree "(20 volumes) in 1928 took Duan Shihui courtesy of guangdong zhongshan library

30. Hunan hunan assembly "'s four segment genealogy "(20 volumes) in 1927 for the elective, paragraphs jiyang code courtesy of library of hunan province

31. Sichuan province jiangbei section's genealogy (19) 1913 Duan Ping f such as compiling, photocopy is now hidden in chongqing jiangbei section's clan academy library

32. Hubei daye "segment's continued repairing ancestral hall" (vol. 19) in 1947, this hall wooden movable type this courtesy of Shanghai library

33. Jiangxi pingxiang "ping west had a period of clans" (15) 1919 took Duan Li elementary (wooden movable type), now the Shanghai library

34. "welcome GuRun west segment's genealogy" zhenjiang city, jiangsu province (10) in 1920 took Duan Bo poetry, wood type, now nanjing library

35 in yunnan sumie newly built "section's genealogy" section 1958 keep the source code, such as repair, now MoJiang County archives

36. The new hubei YingShan "section's genealogy" section (12) 1988 Ren Liang editor, Duan Zhaoxiong, jokes secondary association, now doan people across the Taiwan straits and southeast Asian countries

37. Hunan guizhou repair "section of the clans of yangxin county 1988 compiled Tibetan Yang qian's ancestral hall

38. The shaanxi Seoul "shou temple village section's a spectrum (residue) in the Ming dynasty revealed two years (1622) four hierarch segment shou temple village, now Seoul (north shou, longevity, south shou) ethnic doan part home, manuscripts

39. Yunnan sumie "'s seven segment genealogy "of the qing dynasty jiaqing twenty years (1815) such as Duan Minghao reigned fix now MoJiang County ethnic archives and doan part at home

40. Hunan lengshuijiang city's five segment genealogy, 1949 Duan Chuxian majored in Tibetan ethnic lengshuijiang city archives and doan home (note: in 1990, the cold water river "'s six segment genealogy compilation has published)

41. Anhui wuhu section's genealogy compilation Duan Jing lang 1919 courtesy and wuhu wuhu archives doan ethnic part tong he tong family history

42. Jintan of jiangsu province, the segment's home by ten discovers a roll of qing guangxu seven years (1881) engraved forms (qing), a total of nine volumes farce source code to: nanjing university

43. Hunan xinhua · the first volume of segment's rebuilt genealogy of qing qianlong fifteen years (1750) engraved forms Tibetan: lengshuijiang city, hunan province grain and green town binary village

44. Hunan Yang qian, "period of clans" (4) repaired first volume eleven years (1922) of the republic of China may type engraved forms a volume ShangLie majored in Zhu Qingfang, Tibetan Tan Hongxun signet: necessary city tatsuta the steward moraine village in hunan province

45. Qian Yang, hunan province, the period of clans (5 repair) a set of eight of the 1990 stamping this paragraph but jung, Duan Tiancheng, section editor tens of hidden: necessary city tatsuta the steward moraine village in hunan province

46, pingnan county, hunan province, China hall "section of the clan spectrum (unitary YangTang) qing qianlong seventeen years (1752) from the 1993 from trim the Tibetan: pingnan county of hunan province wave township ChangYing village

47. Hunan the mouth of the cave, five "period of clans frontispiece repaired computer typesetting period to 1992 yuan, a total of three volumes, period for identity 20 people major in: west of dongkou county in hunan province, CAI home pond

48. Yunnan, "the beginning and end of the period's Dali kingdom" Tibetan: hunan province academy of social sciences library (clear) feng (themselves)

49. Jiangsu venture.The period of clans (phoenix hall) (five repair) a set of seven volumes.In January 2008.Duan Shizhou computer typesetting, Tibetan: jiangsu venture Zhao Zhuang village town section.

Shandong tengzhou 50 large dock town small dock village "period of clans in 2008, now in compiling the Shanghai museum

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