Dream of sulfuric acid

Dream of sulfuric acid is what mean?Dream dream of sulfuric acid?Dream with reality and the influence of the reaction of sulfuric acid is also a dream of subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of sulfuric acid solution to speak in detail.

Dream of sulfuric acid

Dream of sulfuric acid, predict unprovoked suspicion and speculation will enable you to accuse an innocent man.

Dream of sulfuric acid from others, means that for those who do not support you you will hold a grudge revenge.

For a young woman, dreamed of was envious of his acid, promises to be her who hate a cause distressing;For merchants, indicated that he will face many competitors from persecution.

Dream of sulfur, indicated that in case of unfair competition, you must be more careful in her career, otherwise the loss will be bigger.

Dream of burning sulfur, indicate the dreamer should protect their own property.

Dream of swallowing of sulfur, on behalf of the full enthusiasm and good health will become your successful double insurance.

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