Dream of dagger is broken

What is the meaning of dream of dagger is broken?Dream dream of dagger is broken?Dream of broken dagger with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of knife broke the detailed solution.

Dream of dagger is broken

Dream of a broken dagger, or dagger suddenly interrupted, this means that you are doing in the near future, whether in work and life, feelings on the matter, as long as you drive will not have the result, all died.

Dream of wearing dagger, excellent reputation.

Dream of fights with knives and officers, and be stabbed, short-term gains, senior civilian colthes.

Dream of lost his dagger, means that in a crisis to help will be lost.

Dream of daggers, can defeat the enemy, victory.

Dream of dagger, are generally not ominous, said, ignoble quarrel with someone you will this in-fighting will hurt you.

Dream of rusty daggers, said the family has been complaining about not equal to idea, also means that the feelings of not.

Dream of glowing dagger, said you about their situation is very worry, because is competitors around you.

You dream of being dagger stabbed, said there will be a lot of trouble and problems in the home, noisy all day, let you almost can't stand it.And if the dream is you with a knife stabbed others, say you personal character has to fall, you should develop the right values.

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