Whether there is no dreams of people in the world?

In a normal human, because during sleep, also can't completely quiet, cerebral cortex to produce a wave, the man came into the so-called dream.The content of dreams, is different.Why there is dream itself is a let people confused problems, the purpose of sleep is to rest, the brain why would dream in the rest of the time?Because it is actually like running protection screen, allows the brain to restore vitality.Some scholars believe that dreams are the brain in a particular mode of a product, it is from your everyday memory, and in fact have a dream is like a movie, just upset memory fragment is in play in the brain;And scholars believe that dreams are the brain information into the unconscious of the brain, not the order of the chain, some is you have long forgotten, in the edge of your memory, your information will be called, is quite amazing.

Whether there is no dreams of people in the world?_ duke of zhou interprets

Since the ancient times, some people, the dream as a prediction, think about the content of dreams may represent the is going to happen.And the other a handful of people, the dream as the deceased lend paraphrased hasn't been said.Also there are a small number of people, said he was not dreaming.Caused by brain damage was found in the medical literature dream missing report, described in an article is a seventy-three - year - old woman diseases, they suffered the brain damage happened after the dream start missing, even many times will she awakened from the dream time, also denied that he was dreaming.

In fact, everyone will have a dream, just don't remember the dream after wake up, so said he won't dream.Statistics show, ninety percent of the time, we don't remember their dreams, after you wake up, you only have five minutes to write down your dreams, after five minutes, you'll be forgotten, feel like I have done or not.

The dream is very normal and not lack of physical and mental phenomena.After people sleep, the brain is still in activity, this is the foundation of the dream.Dream is really good, we want to dream more, when you do the dream, the more your brain is more active, in addition to many dreams during the day, night also want to dream more.

In many cases, we made a dream when I was in sleep, some dreams, it's time to wake up to do when you wake up, also can only remember the dream, wake up! Is not remember the first dream.Dream also can reflect a person's desire, and most of the time in the evening dream many contents are some of the things you think during the day, the response in their own dreams, so dream about bad things, for exampleThe testFailure, in an accident and so on, you will be very worried about, in fact this is normal.

In addition, the dream is to be able to exercise the brain thinking ability.Dream positive role of the human brain in addition to and computer for data processing in the same way, it can make the connection between the brain and cortex into a better stage.Dream on a person's mental health also plays a positive role, can let a person's state of mind and health at a good level, if not dreaming for a long time, your body that there might be a problem, to more vigilant.Dream also can quickly dispose of part of what is not important, your brain to make room for learning other things, also can skillfully to strengthen and save some of the more important things.

Some small mei can travel the world for a while, some think that you have never had a dream, is actually no dreamer, if you sleep until the morning, just because it could not remember his dream.For the content of the dream, don't worry too much, only fragments of brain combination play oh.

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