Test whether or not you will be fired at the end of the year

Test whether or not you will be fired at the end of the year

At the end of professionals to complete performance, busy collection and busy for their year-end bonuses and various kinds of rush about overworked.But do you ever think of that while you are so busy, whether your efforts and hard work will be the boss see in the eye?Do you worry that could be fired at the end of the year, we have to test and see it now!

1, in a treasure hunt journey, you first to find the treasure box, but found the box was locked.Box next to open it there are two kinds of tools, which will you choose a way to open the treasure box?

Pliers - 5

The axe - 7

Test whether or not you will be fired at the end of the year _ psychological test

2, imagine you are in an accident, won the chance to go on holiday to xinjiang, but the lover's time very nervous, unless he pushed away a good chance to show itself to the superior ability, will you?

Understand, some people play - 8

Pressure to him, have to go with you to the xinjiang - 19

3, you take a hot air balloon on the way to travel around the world, the balloon suddenly drop because of the overweight.To save yourself, you will be thrown everything?

Photographic equipment - 13

The alarm clock - 12

4, a first date with him what do you want to know each other?

Opinion of himself - 11

Family - 9

5, holiday to enjoy leisure time in the park, where do you usually choose sit to kill time?

Can see people busy path - 6 on the chair

Willow chueiyang lake - 13

6, assuming that you performed in the crowd, suddenly there was a strange hand to touch your ass, what is your first reaction?

Tell the people around

To watch his slap - 2

7, often take part in all kinds of party, if there are sympathetic to the opposite sex, the party will be very interesting.But there are some boring party, encountered such a situation, you will find an excuse to leave?

Boring, I went back to 3

I'm sorry, my tutor is very strict

8, recall that normalBrush your teethThe line of sight of you in which direction does most of the time?

Casually looked at herself in the mirror - 19

Looked up and brush my teeth, eyes look up to 20

9, you drive in the middle of the night, the car suddenly out of control, what is it you at this moment think of?

This time really done - 16

Who will help me to call an ambulance - 20

10, late at night, in front of the bar counter, young men and women drinking cocktails.Can you guess what they are drinking wine?

The mystery of the blue "blue ribbon geely" - 12

"Dame" - 15 of yellow

11, after falling in love with a person, if meet the longer, the more bad habits are all released, and first love today, the perfect image what love makes you feel the most suffering torture?

Love always around with fair-weather friends - 20

Ready to the cold war, not to 17

12, if you want to make a journey of spiritual exploration, where you think you're sitting in meditation will most induction?

- 12 under an old tree

In the face ofThe seaBlowing wind - 15

13, go with your loverClimbing the mountainAnd accidentally lost, you can't find him, he can't find you...In the end you will do?

Find a place to rest and wait for the other party to come to you - 2

Will find each other - 12

14, today you finally want to date, the feeling in which scenario is most calls?

A cloudless moon night - 11

A little dark clouds covered the moon night - 18

15, what do you think of the following which option you need most is the most fit your definition of a person of extraordinary powers curtilage?

Have a large private swimming pool - 20

Commanding, overlooking the whole city - 14

16, ifThe earthquakeComes the mini company is planning a project, you will immediately run out?

Will - D

No - C

17, you walk alone in a quiet lane, suddenly, in a building in front of him, that is:

Lush garden - B


Test results:

Test whether or not you will be fired at the end of the year

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