The child draws the true interpretation of "chapter we rushed rendezvous method theory of punishment

: the original punishment, three punishment also, child bases have "is also such.Blunt, six rushed also, radial bases is also unitary.Will, three will also, such as ShenZiChen is also.Or, liuhe also, child with ugly is also such.This is gan palace points, the department correlation meaning also.The three parties will, the meaning of your friends are.And for us, near meaning also.As for the three sentences take Wu, let's just leave the question open, although I don't know why, in numerology is harmless.

Note: xu three punishment "shall refer to the child every phase, Yin has" phase punishment and ugly not phase punishment), noon unitary hai from punishment.Very also full of punishment, the number of more harm."Yin operator via" cloud: three punishment was born, Jude six pollution in liuhe also (see the volume of cases).ShenZiChen triad, compared with have lunch not party, is the third sentence Yin, noon lunch from punishment, xu-gou punishment did not.Third unitary ugly triad, and ShenYou xu-gou compared, is the third punishment ", unitary see unitary from punishment, xu-gou that ugly punishment.Hai bases not triad, compared with hai son ugly side, see hai hai from punishment, not ugly.Each have different interpretation, to say to the most relevant.

6 rushed to me, like a child and noon, ugly and not and bases with unitary xu-gou, Yin and shen hai is also the third.Air-dried met seven evil spirit, gan seven is blunt.G also.

Liuhe, child and ugliness and such, is the day and month in building also.Turn right around and built on the left turning, good or poor phase value, and gave birth to liuhe.

Triad, four are primarily.Four is, meridian bases from the bidders also unitary.Of the four corner, from the four is to establish bureau, wood, was born in hai, prosperous Yu Mao, tomb in not, therefore, hai frame will not wood.Was born in Yin fire, flourishing Yu Qu Yu Wu grave, the Yin afternoon, xu-gou will fire bureau.King was born in the third, prosperous Yu You, tomb in ugly, so the third unitary ugly gold bureau.Born in "water, flourishing in the son, tomb Yu Chen, therefore ShenZi water bureau.Refer to the introductory book 6 cases.

Three sentences, six, six, five, liuhe, sanhe, including punishment and harm relations shallow.Air-dried five close, gan liuhe, integrative, and six, very heavy.Eight words change, professional for this, we are more detailed.Sanhe into bureau for all three.If only Yin afternoon or noon for half the fire bureau of the ShenZi or child birth to half for water bureau.If only is Yin or ShenChen of the no.Cover trine is given priority to with four are also.If the Yin and dry BingDing of the dry ShenChen and nonyl decyl, still can into innings, BingDing noon, nonyl decyl namely son also.And Yin will of the afternoon and have the third, ShenChen will, no children and have hai, also have to meet.Cover the third for fire eloth, hai lu for the water, the wuzi allows a ear.Basic can, and so on.This is a bureau of variation.Jia, ugly as heaven and earth together, cover to mail yourself, ugly also.And BingShen, XinMao, also it may be said for heaven and earth together, GaiShen heptyl, bases the b, YiGeng also.And like a sino-japanese, horse, hides himself, and the afternoon with a close, hides, noon with nonyl.Third, decyl have, hides valproic third, can with symplectic decyl close, is consistent and up and down.The third day, and as xinhai month of nonyl hai, can close reading, in the third, c to sheen.This is in interactive also.All this is the variation of liuhe (detailed corrections in the pulp) drops day righteousness TRW section).

Original text: in the 8, punishment, washed all the good things to the triad liuhe, can solve it.If JiaSheng unitary month, on the bases, and or a has xu-gou, xu-gou and are not rushed;Chen, is unitary and Chen without impact;With hai and not, sockets and hai not would rather blunt;A third and ugly, unitary and the third ugly will not rush.Meet is rushed also can solve.And as c give birth month, on the bases, punishment, and or a has xu-gou, xu-gou and without punishment;There are ugly, child with ugly without punishment;With hai and not, sockets and hai is not without punishment;There are "and Chen, child and ShenChen will not punishment.Can meet is punishment also.

Note: xu can meet solutions for punishment, punishment impact also can meet.This depends on how the position and properties of, have rushed to, if not impact, the method to live, without a certain way.Ran, also, for g press close to, remote move the punch, such as in the impact is also with the one.For example, are as follows:

Horse RenZi GengChen JiaShen

The building of the chairman of shaanxi Shao Lizi.Solution of meridian by ShenZiChen will, also.

Ding has f unitary decyl bases the third

The zhejiang nazim shan-de Yang made.Solution for frame of unitary blunt, the third is also unitary.

E afternoon XinYou YiMao xu-gou c

The building of the Lu Rongting.Due to the frame of the close of the XieMao blunt also unitary.

Jia third son BingYin BingShen

The zhejiang merchants Zhou Xiang Ling made.With blunt, Yin ", while XieZiShen will also.

Original text: another for solution and the punishment blunt, too?If a son, and sees the two bases, two bases is not punishment a son, and again meet xu-gou, and bases of the solution is punishment, and close to one, is a close and a sentence, is the punishment rushed also for solution.

Note: xu rush in solution of the punishment, four-column this don't rush, rushed also due to meet and the punishment.Mixed the cases:

C son noon sino-japanese c g Yin

Made from the dubious.A son, don't rush 2 afternoon, for it is the will of Yin afternoon, cause of meridian rushed also.

Horse e "nonyl Yin nonyl Yin

This life made poetry.Caused by Yin afternoon will, in February 2nd Yin ", the impact of also.Yin afternoon away, there is no meeting of the reason, may also caused by impact.

J not I xu-gou heptyl xu-gou GengChen

The building of the MaoZuQuan.A two xu-gou not punishment, this is not by punishment theory, for Calvin the impact of the complex xu-gou has not caused a punishment.

Decyl nonyl Chen bases Ding You unitary

The building of the Zhao Guantao.One frame not blunt two unitary, is a unitary to Chen, cause bases of unitary, and the same Zhang Jizao.

Original text: another punishment can't solve the blunt and rendezvous, too?If child years sixth month, sit, ugly, ugly and son together, can solve, and it comes as the third unitary, the ugly and the third unitary, and complex at noon;Child in every month, day to sit one of the year can solution of punishment, the bases and and or comes as Yin afternoon, is with Yin afternoon will of the complex sentence and sockets.Meet is not punishment impact also.

Note: xu penalty can't solve the blunt and rendezvous, where he had a solvable punishment rushed past, for another, after causing punishment, or caused by the second punishment at the first sentence, also differ.

Ding hai b the third Ding You let-out

The investment promotion division Zhao Tieqiao made.Chen of the unitary and compound caused the third hai rushed also.

Sino-japanese JiaQu wu-cheng c

This at Luzon and build.Noon would the solvability of meridian and yi of the for Calvin the impact of the complex causes of meridian also.

YiChou decyl sino-japanese jia

The building of the JiYaoLin.Afternoon did not close the solution of the ugly not blunt, but because of the meridian, cause ugly not too short.

Original text: more punishment blunt and can solve, also?Cover the four pillars, punishment at all and not for the United States, and punishment by god, particularly abnormality, a punishment of not equal to the other, a punishment of solution enveloped rushed past.If c give birth month, bases in punishment, and the unitary and are with unitary blunt not punishment has enveloped the officer.JiaSheng unitary month, every day, and when the child, the bases and son, and enveloped officer star, blunt the weakness, though don't castration rushed in, the six relations is not punishment, officer of the month, in the case is not broken.Is the so-called rush to punishment and punishment impact also.

Note: xu don't as a punishment and punishment of solution enveloped impact of, have to rush and solution, will have to the solution of its case.

Ding hai c noon Ding Mao boxer

This factor bases of punishment, and solution of meridian also.As our friend Chen Junzao.

JiaQu c j bases I son xu-gou

This due to the frame of the close of the punishment of XieZiMao also.For the navy chief 杜锡珪 made.

Original: so, in the man's change.

Note: xu numerology change, nothing more than meet power punishment, scholars in this discern clear, eight words, since the inability to escape.These changes, there are unfinished, we give several examples below:

GengShen GengChen YiYou decyl sockets

The vice President of the executive yuan of kong xiangxi also.Bases of unitary, like XieChen unitary of close, don't know "in the age, and the sockets of the b agree, solution by coincides with a blunt, hence to Greg.

With a place of status, because of the nature, and have not solutions.Such as:

Have been BingShen Ding You nonyl Yin xin

Unitary have will, not by every Yin wood board;The impact of Yin ", also no impact due to the third fire insulation;And the third "punishment and take, to explain the heptyl gold, so that they don't hurt him wood, fiscal officer of nondestructive, then into a Quaker.This made "in god his peak.

Now BingShen ding hai nonyl Yin

Hai is not ", not as bureau;Yin hai of close, seems to XieYinShen rushed, in what ShenJin grasp, hai nonyl armour in prison, not XieJinMu battle;And Ding Renyin hai, heaven and earth and false, prosperous golden wood, an abnormality.The qing emperor guangxu made also.

And four pillars of punishment at all not good, this is not necessarily.Pleased with washed, not beauty, avoid is washed, god, and with a case, not one introductory remarks also.For example, are as follows:

XinMao Ding You GengWu c

Is the blade.Air-dried butyl fire sheen, evil spirit flourish of light, XiZi at noon, the fire does not hurt gold, unitary bases and make wood not help evil spirit, the two flush them with bigger.The coinage of the qing emperor qianlong.

Wu-cheng JiaYin Ding Mao unitary

Yin bases, gas gather and east through a, printed star, too, when the unitary bases and damage it, to its too, but the benefits.The kuomintang chairman Lin Senzhi made.E ShenShi or cloud, but regardless of is "is unitary, with god as money loss, especially so as to clarify punishment of rushed to meet theory.

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