Pig Leo's character

  Is a pigLeothecharacter

Leo xiao pig who often make you laugh.Even in the worst case, they can also want to have to tip to amuse you show a smile.Leo xiao pig who couldn't make himself not to do so, they are born to be funny interesting people.

They not only like humorous irony joke, love also very sensual things - food, sex, leisure, work, love, conversation and luxury.They need exquisite environment, and willing to work hard in order to get the enjoyment.They like the best shops in quality or in the open-air market to buy food, their clothes are always famous brand design.

Leo xiao pig generous and hospitable, they often give gifts to friends.Due to the overly generous, sometimes appear waste.And the only way to prevent the excessive development of nature is that they will be a sense of security, the welfare of the family, and love in the first place.When you and Leo xiao pig company, they will make you feel you are the only one who exist in the world, and their happiness depends entirely on you.

Leo xiao pig charm make they get success, they rarely have difficulty finding jobs and keep a job.They quite hard and have the ability and rich sense of humor, but they think at all struggling to reach the summit to the above behavior beneath their dignity, if they want to appear in front of a lot of people succeed, it will always caused by their own hard work and amazing ability.

Leo xiao pigs are not only full of courage, but always seem to be modest, as does not need any admiration and applause;But privately, he still wants to feel honour are special admiration;He may be pure and honest heart pigs, but the lion is still hidden in vain.

  The love is a pig Leo

In a one-to-one relationship, Leo xiao pig need a loyal partner.In its heavy life setbacks, they want someone who help them through the rapids reach safe setting people everywhere.Leo xiao pig to love very seriously and deeply the impact, they are responsible.

  Leo is a pig for co-existence of objects

You the most suitable and shaw, cattle, rabbit and sheep ram, Gemini, libra and Sagittarius, or Capricorn.Do you like comfortable and warm, but you don't want to so and suffocation, so it's best to avoid the snake's ram shaw, Taurus, Scorpio, andAquarius:.For you, dogGeminiThe most suitable, because they know how to cook.

  The profession is a pig Leo

Lack of confidence in myself;Or disappointed at his colleagues or boss, will make the lion of the honest and trust others easily abandon the pursuit of its initial xiao pig.Happy Leo can xiao pig is his talent in a turning point of fate, or under the condition of correct selection of colleagues or partners, and play out.Leo xiao pig who can be in a stable emotion, others encouraged, free expression and needs money under the condition of a surprising performance.

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