Pig Taurus's character

  Is a pigTaurusThe character of the

People often in many "beautiful" characters, Taurus shaw found in pigs.Although Taurus xiao pig who show countryside rustic breath, was attracted by the upper class, all kinds of material wealth to attract him, status and wealth all the way.This kind of person is also quite place boss style love, he will act in their own way, he can work with people, but must give priority to with him.

Taurus shaw pigs can engage in various types of work, the headstrong force to the body.Without any complicated thing to trouble him, all need to move the needle, take a knife or brush work he is good at operating, this is a genus of considerable weight, extremely generous caring hearts, down-to-earth hard work.

Taurus xiao pig may not be brilliant or the juvenile period of peace and stability, but when he grew up, he would to find previously lost things, try to restructure his life sorrow one continuously.Him with great efforts, try figure out a way to find someone who can share life with him, and then trying to protect each other, and make them living in luxurious surroundings, loyal and devoted to love them.

Taurus xiao pig together the sense of logic and order of Taurus, with pig careful personality, shaw is a fairly reliable stability of real people.This kind of person can share with people material wealth, and plate of project implementation plan, but he is the golden rule.He abide by contracts and self-doubt, often worry about for some reason cannot be fulfilled on schedule.

They don't like rude to people, but if the force was urgent, he will deal with a man as he put to the body.They are people of power, and not easily shaken.They like friend, often enthusiastic friends feast.But when he was working or thinking, the average person is difficult to access the category of its concentration.

  Pig Taurus love

Taurus xiao pig who understand the tender love, loyalty, and the characteristics of deep feelings.For they are the focus, like a love, or be pushed aside, and there are unique and excellent taste, they like food and drink, the place is quite comfortable and decorate luxurious.

Taurus xiao pig pursuit of beauty and comfortable, they need a lot of gossip, like expensive gift and grace of catering, don't invite them to the address of the humble, they will feel hate, they want luxury villas.If you want the Taurus xiao pig love you, you have to have the ability to provide these.

  Pig Taurus is suitable for the object coexistence

Shaw, rabbit, dragon, or Capricorn or sheepcancerIs suitable for object.Shaw sheep or virginsPiscesCan also be suitable for you.To avoid, shaw or cancer of the dragon, virgo, Capricorn, or Pisces is also as the appropriate object.Xiao snake or a monkeyLeoDiscomfort, stay away from tiger, chicken or a dogScorpio.Don't withAquarius:Xiao snake, chicken or monkey.

  Pig Taurus profession

Taurus xiao pig man in need intelligence, strength, artistic taste and team spirit can show at work.They are not lonely, and they love companion and likes to feel "belong" to work in place.Curator of the museum's work for them, the dean of the university of can also, of course he can also choose to become some kind of industrial giants, or even a politician.No matter what he do, he will stick to it, don't reach success don't give up.

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