The best partner is a pig

  Is a pigThe best partner(1921, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Proper match:Belong to the sheepThe rabbitA tiger.Its chang, five things, enjoy wealth and honour, robust, accumulate wealth.

Cream with:A monkey,A snakeDay after day, the pig monkey is not an end, ChaoChao tears communication, even can have a long, hard to happiness for life.

Explanation: the pig and tiger, liuhe, so the most appropriate find a tiger, this is a great marriage.Followed by with) the sheep triad, so also should find a rabbit and sheep, this is a great marriage.Pig with snake rushed, so most avoid is looking for a snake, which is down marriage.Pig and monkey again, which is unfavorable for a monkey, this is the lowest.Sometimes speak hai hai from punishment, unfavorable also belong to the same phase, this is the lowest.

The best partner is a pig

  The male pig best mates:

Male pig mating femaleBelong to the rat: a good marriage, as long as the woman is not too bold and unrestrained.

Male pig mating femaleBelong to cow: don't feel affection and love, warmth, because both outward development.

Male pig mating female tiger: we can live together harmoniously, but the woman need to pay attention to not obsessed with the man.

Male pig mating female rabbit: there will be a good marriage.

Male pig mating femaleBelong to the dragon: we can live together, but the woman is too extroversion, the man knows a magnanimous.

Male pig mating female snake: it's not reasonable.The man to adjust itself to adapt to the woman, but for a long time there will be complaints.

Male pig mating femaleBelong to the horse: two people's personality is different, can't be happy.

Male pig mating female sheep: the man doesn't know how to establish the authority of the husband of crisis will produce?

Male pig mating female monkey: the man's character, can wait to make the woman happy and satisfied.

Male pig mating femalerooster: the man's tolerance, considerate, can make the woman happy.

Male pig mating femaleBelong to the dog: happy pair, because both sides to mutual understanding and trust.

Male pig mating female pig: a wonderful pair, because the two sides can understand each other, you will happy work together in the future.

  Female pig best mates:

Female pig mating male rat: harmony, happiness of life.

Female pig mating male belong to cow: the man to the woman has a strong gravitational pull.

Female pig mating male tiger: understand and admire each other, and have enough energy to take care of each other.

Female pig mating male rabbit: very nice couple.

Female pig mating male belong to dragon: very well, the woman know how to care and to love the man.

Female pig mating male snake: don't fit.The man can not adapt to the woman's temper.

Female pig mating male horse: there will be a small friction, unfavorable combination.

Female pig mating male sheep: can live together, the two sides will be looking out for each other.

Female pig mating male monkey: if a man is not too much, the woman is tolerated.

Female pig mating male rooster: the woman too picky to make man tired.

Female pig mating male dog: a good relationship, to live in harmony.

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