Dream of kiss the enemy

Dream of kiss the enemy is what mean?Dream dream of kiss the enemy?Dream of kiss the enemy has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of kiss enemy of small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of kiss the enemy

If a dream about kissing enemy, then predict the near future, it will be because of some reason and your opponents as well, and is himself to apologize.

Dream of kissing with the enemy, said you can soothe an aggrieved friends, you can smoothly to hold his mind, it is of great benefit for your future plans.

If the dream of the enemy in his own kiss him, and kiss her back, the means that each other are together, the dreamer should have the chance to seize the moment and reconciliation, the opponent into a friend.

Dream of with nasty people kiss, kiss is a happy thing originally, but because he is one with hate, so the whole mouth is clogged, have the meaning of the words when you say nothing at all, you may have some recent things hidden in the heart, not willing to speak out, and the secret let you feel very vexed, will do this dream.

Dream and the enemy was tight, said the enemy will conspire against yourself, make yourself suffer.

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