Dream of seeing the bridegroom off

What is the meaning of dream of seeing the bridegroom off?Dream dream of seeing the bridegroom off ok?Dream of seeing the bridegroom off have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed of seeing the bridegroom off small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of seeing the bridegroom off

Seeing the bridegroom off refers to the daughter married, the bride's family of two men sent the wife to the husband's family.

Dream of seeing the bridegroom off, auspiciousness and happiness.

Dream of seeing the bridegroom off to loved ones, will have good luck.

To dream of wedding party, homeThe dead

A womanDream of set out, the husband home to fight.

Married men dreamed about to set out, will be in high places, people depend on themselves.

Married woman dreamed to set out, will soonpregnancy, can have a beautiful boy.

Unmarried men and women dream of set out, will tie the knot.

Unmarried men dreamed about to set out, each rush thing with lover.

Prisoners dream about to set out, will be free soon.

Dreamed about to set out, the patient will deteriorate.

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