Dream of bridge collapse

What's the meaning of dream bridge collapse?Dream dream of bridge collapse?Dream of bridge collapse have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a bridge collapse in detail solution.

Dream of bridge collapse

Dream of the collapse of a bridge, symbolize the future there will be bumpy.

Dreaming that bridge collapsed but I jumped in the past, will be a bright future and career.

Can't dream of bridge collapse in the past, career and life stagnation.

His dream of bridge collapse fell, then life will encounter emergencies.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: bridge general symbol boundary between now and the future of the unpredictable, Bridges and pipelines on behalf of the communication and contact with other people.

Psychoanalysis: don't dream about the bridge, said itself too clinging to the past ego state (stagnation, timid), there may be a recent disaster.Dream of broken bridge, says there may be sudden disasters, the dispute or the sons of disease.Dream of repairing Bridges, suggests that Pepsi harmonious smoothly.Dream of the waterBroken bridge pier, indicates that children could meet disaster.Leadership dream of the whole bridge collapse, indicated that there may be a very intense social opinion, can't be ignored, must stand up bravely, to admit his fault, clarify some facts, to win the trust masses.

Spirit: from the perspective of spiritual learning, the river of life only with the aid of a bridge can through to Ann.

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