Dream of the water

Dream of the water is what mean?Dream dream of drowning?Dreamed that the water has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of water solution to speak in detail.

Dream of the water

Dreaming that I was flooded, the evil.

But the dream of almost drowned were rescued by water, with the help of others, to reduce disaster in different degrees.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: water main disaster.

Psychoanalysis: dream of watered-out, suggesting that the disaster will fall yanyan if the dream of almost drowned imply that you will be rescued by water with the help of others to avoid disaster effectively.

Spirit: according to Freud, once people leave the mother, there is a desire to return to the mother to rest.

So when you when you were submerged in the water, the water is a symbol with the mother of the amniotic fluid, you probably have Oedipus complex or in real life too much pressure, so want to go back to the mother's desire.

Submerged in the water, is in fact and out of the matrix.Everyone comes from the matrix, is like came out of the water;On the contrary, submerged in the water, symbol you desire to become againbabySo you can hide in the womb, can comfortably enjoy one hundred percent safety.

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